
Prof. Marcus White

PhD, BArch (Hon 1), RAIA, ARBV

Prof. Marcus White is an award-winning architect and urban designer, co-director of Harrison and White, lecturer, researcher, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the School of Design, Deputy Director of the Centre for Design Innovation – Swinburne University of Technology.

He has been awarded the RAIA Haddon Travelling Scholarship, the AIA Victoria Emerging Architect Award, the inaugural AIA National Emerging Architect Award for his contribution to practice, teaching and research, an AIA residential architecture award, Graham Treloar Fellowship, and was recently been awarded the prestigious Australian Citation for Outstanding Contributions in University teaching.

His design research into urban modelling and new design methods has been widely published and exhibited throughout Australia, North America, Asia and Europe.

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Architectural and Teaching Awards
Rides to and from work
Research Grants $AUD
Publications and NTROs